August 10th, 2024

Happy Birthday Hexcodle!

By: Hannah Larsen

Happy Birthday Hexcodle! That's right, August 10th, exactly 1 year ago today is when your favourite hexcode game was released into the world. We are so incredibly grateful for all the support we've received over the past year & can't thank you all enough. To commemorate this wonderful occasion, we decided to take a stroll down memory lane and recap our progression of the app and perhaps even a small surprise that many of you have been asking for...

August 2023

Last year, I was working a casual front desk job and wanted to add projects to my portfolio. I proposed the idea of a Wordle-like game but with colours to Ekim, and we both loved the idea! We started working on this concept every night when we hung out, and eventually released the bare-bones beta version of modern-day Hexcodle.

Hexcodle August 2023

Hexcodle August 2023

October 2023

After feedback from our friends and small audience, we decided to change up the style of our site. We gave Hexcodle a new look to have a better view of the guesses!

Hexcodle November 2023

Hexcodle October 2023

November 2023

Introducing... a nav bar!!!!! We finally added a proper navigation system to include various things to help make Hexcodle more user-friendly.

Hexcodle December 2023

Hexcodle November 2023

February 2024

We added the much-desired archive page that allows you to play previous puzzles!

Hexcodle February 2024

Hexcodle February 2024

March 2024

The Hexcodle Mini was born!

Hexcodle March 2024

Hexcodle March 2024


Since the end of March, we haven't made any drastic changes since we've been really busy with our new full-time jobs, but we are still actively checking our feedback form and connecting with Hexcodle players all over the world! Thanks again for all the love and support and without further ado...

New Hexcodle Gamemode!!!!

To celebrate 1 year, You can now play our unlimited version, Hexcodle Beta You may notice that the design is a bit outdated, and this is simply because this is an old version of the game before it was even released! We thought it would be a funny full-circle moment to have this as a new playable gamemode to celebrate 1 year on the internet. We hope you get a kick out of this game mode (but pls dont send us feedback for this version because we know its terrible, hence the redesign LOL)

As always, happy Hexcodle-ing! 🌈